
Understanding Gayness

Understanding homosexuality is nearly impossible. I know, I’ve tried and I’d like to think I’m one of the greatest minds of my generation.

What I want to know is, why do we need to understand it? What is the goal in discovering its origins? I feel that’s the most important question.   To most, the main mission in life is to be happy. We’re told to do whatever it is that makes us happy from Pre-K onward. Obviously there is some exceptions. I mean, we’re not going to just let a cannibal go around turning people into happy meals because it makes them giddy, no matter how delicious human flesh may be. But sexual orientation doesn’t affect others like cannibalism would.

How would someone’s gay relationship affect your hetero life? Safe to say slim to none.

Now it’s my belief that we’re born this way, as cliché as that phrase has become. But I wouldn’t want to change your opinion on it, wouldn’t dream of it. Truthfully, because the opinions just do not matter. Be it nature or nurture as the root of all things gay, we’re still gay. Most of us are happy and okay with ourselves this way. If not, it’s usually due to an outside force.

If we just let people be and quit concerning ourselves with such trivial things such as sexual orientation, would the world not be a better place? If the farmers could just farm, if the writers could just write, if the straights could just be straight, and the gays could just be gay, wouldn’t everyone be happy? Is that not what we’re taught to seek?

So, again, what’s the goal of understanding it? To force people to conform to your idea of what happiness should be? That’s not real happiness. The only ones to be happy are those who look out their windows and see themselves. See other people who think just like them, with no difference at all. We should be more concerned with greater topics, like cures and ending global hunger, things that would actually benefit society rather than trying to make it conform to a singular viewpoint.

The world should just learn to let others be and live as they see fit. If we could all just be more accepting. If we could just not concern ourselves with others who don’t follow our concept of happiness.

That’s the only way for people to find happiness. That’s the only way for our main mission to be a success.

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