• News

    Facebook VR: Is it Stupid, or What?

    So, you probably didn’t know, unless you’re some tech geek, that Facebook has purchased the king of all that is virtual reality technology: Oculus. Sounds weird that they’d do that, but Facebook is always on the prowl for whatever they can find to keep them popular and on the tippy-top…

  • News

    Reacting to mass shootings in the news

    While all the mass shootings lately definitely bring up feelings of sadness for those who tragically lost their lives, it also brings up the need for better public safety, as well as better awareness. Events being held with large groups of people should always have some form of weapon detection,…

  • News

    Movies kind of suck these days

    Movies today sort of suck. By sort of, I totally mean they do. Mainly, it’s because all the formulas being implemented are way overdone. So overdone to the point where we already know how the movie is going to end before it’s even started. RomComs for instance: boy meets girl,…