
What’s a Vacation?

It’s crazy how everybody’s idea of vacation is like some tropical beach somewhere in the Caribbean. I mean, yeah, the weather’s nice, but god I hate the beach. I find nothing fun about sitting in the hot sand for hours on end, with the glaring sun beating down on my sensitive shoulders. Whenever I’m forced to head to the beach, I die a little inside, and it reminds me of just what I consider to be a real deal vacation.

I’d have to say, a legit vaca has gotta be going to someplace like Ireland. I mean, it’s just absolutely perfect, no other words for it. The setting, the people, every single thing is pretty fantastic there. You get to see those scenic cliffs with the ocean waves crashing against them, all surrounded by miles and miles of lush green fields of grassland. I’m definitely a walker, so exploring these landscapes is almost unparalleled to me.

Beyond just the prettiness of the whole area, it’s also super f*cking old. I’m aware that the entire Earth is the same age, but I’m meaning it was one of the first places humans stretched their little legs at. So, there’s hundreds to thousands of historical sites and monuments to go check out. The whole area is dotted with centuries-old stone castles, and things our predecessors built in what seems like the beginning of time.

Then, outside of countryside, you have their awesome cities. Like Dublin, with tons of pubs new and old. Great nightlife, amazing food. There’s no doubt going to be some great museums and shops around to go browse through.

See, places like Ireland are obviously the superior vacation destinations. You’ll come back a more cultured, sophisticated human being. Whereas with beaches, all you get is a mouthful of saltwater and fish piss, with a nice irritated sunburn to top it all off. Just lovely.

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