
These Ads Seriously Suck

Okay, so Nationwide Insurance needs to fire their commercial-idea-maker person, because they seriously suck major a$$. Their latest duo of advertisements make my head hurt with frustration over the complete stupidity of it all. What’s so wrong with it? Well, allow me to break it all down for you.

  • Failure To Recreate Genuine Life Moments

I’m not sure if it’s the jingle, or the stupid bitch singing, but something makes this commercial so unbelievable. Like, it actually makes me cringe every single time I have the displeasure to see it. They’re obviously trying so hard to make us connect with it, that it loses its authenticity, and makes us feel all bizarre inside. It’s just like looking at a mannequin, you know? It’s trying to appear human, but we can tell it’s just a big doll. Maybe if they toned all that down a notch, it’d be easier to digest, and, most importantly, easier to identify with, which would sell a lot more people on it.

  • Unknown “Celebrities”

Who the f*ck is Tori Kelly? Or Leslie Odum Jr.? Because they’re not brainiacs on all things insurance, I’m quite positive. So, there’s only two reasons why they’d be on this commercial:

– Nationwide thinks that having them featured on their ad will attract more people. Either, because they think that once you’re famous, you instantly turn into a genius on all subjects of life, and therefore have the authority to tell others what they should get. Or, Nationwide’s assuming most of us are retarded, and are easily swayed by what faux-important people support, instead of us looking at the facts on why their insurance company is a great choice.

– Nationwide is being nice, and giving these singers a captive audience. So, either, the singers are on their downward spiral, and have been reduced to singing on insurance ads in order to stay at least semi-relevant. Or, they’re trying to get more exposure to further their careers. Both possibilities are pretty unfortunate. I mean, I’ve never looked to lame insurance commercials, in order to find the next up-and-coming singing sensation. And, the fact that they’re on a Nationwide commercial would probably make me want to look them up even less.

So, in conclusion, this commercial is a giant shitball, needs to be taken off the air, and the creator needs to be publicly beheaded, and their skull paraded through the streets on a rusty pike.


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