Blog - Life

The Treatment

As we all know, I’m a recently licensed medical esthetician, and I’ve scored my first job at a medical spa, over in Bakersfield! I’ve been getting to do tons of cool sh*t, from things like laser light therapy, to using electrical currents to literally work out people’s face muscles. But, I’d have to say the coolest thing is our main treatment. Which is probably WHY it’s our main treatment. But, anyways, we call the treatment a “Choose 3”, which i’ll definitely tell you guys about, because, trust me, it’s the sh*t. So, my boss has been in the industry for 30+ years, and was actually part of one of the first medical spas in the country. Over the years, she, very wisely, studied, and analyzed, everything her superiors were doing, using, and why they chose to do these things. From how their business operated, down to the machines they implemented in procedures.  As she rose up the industry’s ladder, she made connections, and was able to utilize the knowledge she had, to start her own clinic. With her experience with copious amounts of skin-enhancing technology, she was able to use her connections, to obtain the machines, that’s she’s seen to truly work in improving people’s skin. Which, pretty much, means that i get to perform magic on people’s faces each day, by doing the simple three-step treatment, that my boss has formulated for optimal results. I’ll go into a little more depth about the Choose 3, which, obviously, consists of three different modalities:

  1. The MDSE

So, this is definitely the miracle-worker. We use a hand-piece, that suctions onto the skin, then creates a vortex, using medical-grade crystals, to remove the top dead layers of the dermis. Most importantly, the crystals will be leaving behind tiny, microscopic abrasions. This part is crucial, because these abrasions are going to signal to our brain, that we need to grow new skin, thus triggering collagen, and elastin, production. With the collagen, and elastin, being stimulated, wrinkles, and fine lines, begin to drastically become less pronounced, with some vanishing completely. And, since we’re removing layers of skin, the MDSE helps to soften things like acne scars, and lighten dark spots, or other types of hyper-pigmentation. This part of the treatment does wonders. Since build-up of dead skin cells often give the skin a dull, grey, or yellowish, tinge, and can lead to a rough texture, our skin will look brighter, feel softer, and have a more even tone, after using the MDSE, all on top of the other benefits, i’ve mentioned.

2. Chemical peel

After I’ve skinned you alive with the MDSE, comes the chemical peel. Don’t worry, it’s not like the ones you’d see in the regular world, where your skin melts off, and you look like a rotting zombie for 2 weeks. Since we’ve already taken off the layers we wanted to with the MDSE, our chemical peel is specially formulated to, actually, NOT make you peel. Instead, our peels are used to lighten, tighten, and brighten the skin, and aid in acne-prone skin. We’re still using standard ingredients, like glycolic acid, so we’d still feel a minor, tingly, burning sensation, but that only lasts around 45 seconds, before dying off. The acids in the peel are what’s going to help lighten up discoloration, give the skin a brighter glow, and help firm any fine lines.

3. Laser Light Therapy

While the peel is still on the face, we begin our laser light therapy. We use a special machine, which my boss has a patent on, the we call “Flash Rejuvenation”. Where we take a hand-piece the emits out warm laser pulses. This light helps to induce what’s called “Fibroblast production”. Fibroblast is the skin tissue, made up of the cells responsible for the secretion collagen, and elastin. So, this light is forcing the skin to produce the chemicals needed for an anti-aging effect. The light is also extremely anti-inflammatory, as it dials down the redness of rosacea, and acne. While, it’s, also, fantastic in triggering the pores to close.

After we’re done shooting you with light, we remove the skin peel, and move on to the ending of the treatment, which consists of hydrating, and replenishing the skin, with things like  vitamin-enriched creams, and serums infused with hydrochloric acids. All of which, we push deeper into the skin using a Cold Ultrasound, that also aids in closing pores, and returning your skin down to a normal PH level, from the acids in the chemical peel. Then we lather you up in a good coat of SPF, and you’re on your way! After your treatment, you’ll notice dramatic improvement in signs of aging. Your skin will look, and feel, firmer and tighter. You’ll have a healthy, bright glow, with enhanced skin tone, reduced redness, and smaller pores. With continued treatments, things like dark spots, begin to fade, or acne scars start to soften in appearance. Honestly, it’s the best thing ever. You’ll, literally, see results immediately after the first treatment. It’s pretty amazing getting to do all of this for people. I mean, the face is a person’s identity, and when someone suffers from anything like chronic acne, or the beginnings of the aging process, it can really effect their self-esteem. So, to be able to give someone their confidence back, as a job, is an awesome feeling. I get to bring all this positivity to people, just by performing that treatment, and i get to watch them go out, smiling, feeling good about themselves, sometimes, for the first time in ages.

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