
Seriously, Just Wear Sunscreen.

          It amazes me how people still go out suntanning. Even worse, it REALLY amazes me how people still like willingly step foot into tanning beds. I don’t know if it’s the UV rays that are killing their brain cells, but it’s a super well-documented scientific fact that the sun damages and mutates our skin. Which leads to whole slew of different issues.


          The sun advances skin aging, by destroying our collagen and elastin. Which means you’ll start to wrinkle and sag way sooner than you normally would, which will probably negatively affect your self-esteem. You can tell when people love to tan, just by the fact that they’re 27 and already have crows feet forming.


          Then there’s the dark brown spots that’ll start to pop up. Those spots are directly from the sun, and not applying sunscreen. Our skin can only take so much damage, before it feels like it has to protect itself. So our skin create these brown spots as its own form of natural sunscreen. The spots will grow bigger and darker the longer you continue to expose yourself to the sun without adequate protection. Also, as those spots become more mutated by the sun’s UV rays, it intensifies your chances of developing skin cancer, which is super deadly, and can lead to disfigurement.


          This is all magnified when you hop into a tanning bed. Those bulbs emit UV rays that are 3x stronger than natural sunlight. Penetrating deep into the skin tissues, tripling your chances of developing melanoma, and further mutilating the collagen/elastin leading to deeper wrinkles, and more loose skin. Any time your skin darkens from sunlight/UV rays, it’s irreversibly destroying your dermis. There’s no safe tanning bed, and there’s no safe way to tan. Period.

          So, if looking like an ugly, drooping, heap of wrinkly, discolored, damaged skin doesn’t scare you, then dying of skin cancer should. Seriously,quit being stupid, and put on some sunscreen, and just go get a spray tan if you really need to look tan.

 This is a truck driver who never wore sunscreen. The left side of his face was constantly exposed to the sunlight through his truck window, while the right side had minimal exposure. Just goes to show you how detrimental UV rays are to the skin.

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