
Relationship Talk

          Alright, get ready for some relationship talk. I’m afraid that I must be some kind of huge freak, or something, because I like cannot find a connection with anyone on a romantic level for the life of me. It’s like I’m one of those mutants you see on the TV, and my superpower is never developing any sort of bonds with a meaningful and lovey-dovey nature. I don’t know, it’s just that this all makes me feel like the odd one out, ya know?

          For instance, all of my friends have had multiple relationships. Hell, every person I’ve ever met have had multiple relationships. While I’m over here all alone, zero notches in my belt. It’s not that people don’t like me, or try to start a romance with me, It’s just I never ever feel that spark with anyone. Like, I never have that feeling of complete comfortableness with a potential mate, no matter who they are it seems, and I’m not one to date someone that I don’t have that with.

          I’ve only had that type of feeling with my friends. And, unfortunately, most of my friends are of the sex I’m not interested in. Which, of course, makes me feel even weirder. Why is it so easy to have this connection with people on a platonic level, and never with anyone I go on dates with? It just baffles me. It seems to be so easy for everyone else to meet people they like well enough to get involved with, just not so much for me.

Hm, well, like I said earlier, I don’t know. Maybe I’m just one of those people who’ll meet that one individual person that they’re meant for, and that’ll be it. Perhaps it’s a good thing I don’t find these connections so easily, that way I don’t ever waste my time, or deal with the bullcrap that comes along with dating someone you’re not a true match for. Or, it just means I’m a weirdo, and that I’m doomed to be alone for this life, and the next.

         But, I’ll just continue to be positive, and hopefully one day I’ll meet the special someone who gives me that feeling I’m looking for. Fingers crossed!

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