

It must be really gnarly to kill your own folks. Like, you’ve known your parents since Day One. There’s thousands of memories you have with them locked away in your brain. Tons of bonds you’ve formed with them over the years. So, for someone to take all of that, and still manage to slay down your parents, is completely beyond me. Like, it’s extremely hard to even comprehend why anybody could do such a thing.

But, like the sunrise, it happens every day. Well, maybe not like every single day, but enough to where it’s definitely a thing. For instance, pretty recently within the last few years, there was this kid named Tyler Hadley, who bludgeoned his parents to death. In case you didn’t know, ‘Bludgeoned’ means that he like, for example, used a baseball bat to rock his parents’ world for the very last time. However, in reality, Tyler preferred the hammer.

Pretty nuts, right? Death by hammer is a pretty brutal way to go. No doubt, tons of blood. Which, would freak me the hell out, but clearly had no effect on Tyler. Either because he’s a psycho, or it was the pills he popped that took the edge off of committing murder. But, I don’t know how ecstasy aids in relieving someone of a conscience. Then again, I’ve never been to a rave, so they could be total gore-filled bloodbaths, for all the knowledge I have about it. 

So, after taking his meds, he grabbed his trusty ol’ hammer, and went in search for his dearest mother. Who was pattering at her computer, when Tyler took his first swing from behind. Her screaming alerted the father, who came in too late to stop anything. Tyler and his dad apparently had a 3-minute stare down, his father probably trying to process everything he’s seeing. After that, Tyler took out his dad next.

Gives me chills, man. Especially the staring part. That’s 3 long minutes of looking into the eyes of someone you’re going to kill, your father’s eyes no less. I mean, the whole thing is chills-inducing, I love my parents so much, even the thought of myself doing that makes me want to puke my guts out, and cry.

And, what happened with Tyler is that, once he got done mashing his parents’ skulls, he hosted a giant party at his house. Everyone danced and drank, while Tyler kept a secret behind a closed door. Finally, that same night, Tyler told his best friend that he wacked his parents, and that they’re just chilling in the bedroom. After opening the door and seeing a leg of the dad in a pool of blood, his best friend totally called the police, and got this f*cker locked up.

Like I said, I can’t even begin to imagine what was going through his head, or any parent-killer’s head. It must’ve been some pretty trippy sh*t, though. Could happen to anyone, I guess, if your mental state is weak enough. My parents clearly don’t know how lucky they are, then. They should really start appreciating that I haven’t decided to kill them. As for me, thank god that I like dick, no chance of popping out a kid, who one day might just come and pop me upside the head with a mallet.

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