
Making Beds is for Chumpz

Why do people make their beds? It’s rarely easy, it’s practically pointless, and I f*cking hate it. It could go crawl in a hole, and die, and I wouldn’t even bat an eye. But, yet, people still do it, and they love forcing their sick, perverted ways on the general populace. Kind of like how Anastasia made me do it, involuntarily, this morning, when I was in the middle of relaxing. Seriously, it’s like the lamest thing ever, and I’ve seen some pretty lame things in my life, trust.

So, apparently, according to the internet, a messy bed makes your room look super chaotic, while a made bed gives your room a more calm appearance. Um, who cares? Who else is seeing your room, besides you, and people you’re close to? And, if the people you’re close to give a hoot, then I’d give ‘em the boot. You don’t need that negativity in your life. I, personally, love sprawling out, and rolling around on a jacked up bed, so, I’d gladly take their place.

Then there’s the argument that the lame-o’s like to use against the free-thinkers, like myself, when we tell them “Why make the bed? We’re just going to mess it up again later.” They’ll say things like “Why wash dishes? You’re just going to use them again, right?” or, “Why throw your trash away? Aren’t you just going to make more later?”. Then they snicker at you, because they think what they said was just so clever. Well…

  1. Washing dishes is completely different than making your bed. The minute that making my bed prevents a build-up of rotting food on the mattress, is when I’ll start doing it religiously. But, until then, I’ll keep my blankets torn up, just the way i like them.
  2. Then the trash argument. Again, just like the whole dishes thing, why the hell are they trying to compare completely different things? I mean, I must’ve forgot that getting rid of accumulating garbage, was super similar to some goofed up blankets. Oh, wait, It’s not.
  3. Washing your dishes, and having sanitary living conditions is proven to be very important to your health. Making my bed, on the other hand? No health benefits. Just lots of frustration.

Speaking of no health benefits, it can actually be damaging to your health to make your bed. Studies are saying that dust mites flourish in the warm, moist environment of a made bed. These mites can cause things like Hay Fever, asthma, eczema, hypersensitive pneumonia, and the list, shockingly, continues.

Wow, all of those horrible diseases sound super fun, but, call me crazy, I think I’ll pass on even the slightest possibility of catching one. And, I’ll do that by not making my bed. As I’ve proved, it’s a task that’s practically pointless. The one point being that “It looks nice”. So, when people are telling you to make your bed, what they’re really saying is that a piece of furniture appearing pleasing to eye, is of more vitalness than your good health. Uh, I think not, and whoever that b*tch is, needs to be slapped for the ginormous insult.

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