
Hi, The War Is Over

It’s things like this that really make me hate everybody. 

It’s almost as if we’re like stuck in some freaky cultural stasis that tragically decided to begin on December 31, 1979. Maybe that’s the dimension we’re in, the one where we’re all doomed to constant wannabe-second-wave feminism. But, seriously though, having to remind people on which decade we’re currently living in is getting like super old, super fast. 

If you live in LA, right now you’re probably like, “Omg Chase hates women”. I mean, I’m gay, so I dont neccesarily love them, but women and contemporary feminism are like two totally different things. Like, one’s a human, and one’s an ideology. Don’t get them twisted. 

So, back to the photo. Here’s why it makes me wanna scream…

Seriously, the flight from domesticity was like 50-60 YEARS AGO! The majority of those people are probably on life support right now, or like dead. And she’s sitting here talking as if she’s addressing women that were the f*cking original housewives that cut their chains from the refrigerator in the early 1960s. 

Like nobody here is trying to forcibly stuff you into a poodle skirt and apron, just take a deep breath and stop being so dramatic. We are ALL at home right now, and that means we’re ALL having to do more domestic duties. If you feel like for some reason that you’re doing the majority of the work, maybe ask yourself why you’re such a doormat and grow a backbone. Literally, nobody HAS to do anything. If you feel like you’re being forced into it, there’s like hundreds of hotlines and Women’s Help centers to reach out to. It all comes down to you, and your choices. 

The war is over, you’ve already won. It’s to the point where I’ve never even met a housewife before, that’s how rare it is. Women control so much in the world now, do you really think that it’s just going to disappear overnight, and millions of women are just going to conform into servitude? Extremely unlikely, unless we somehow get annexed by the Middle East. 

It’s time to take off your grandma’s bell bottoms, open your eyes, and see that it’s 2020. A year in which every single woman and man have the same exact rights. There is no more to be won here, there is nothing legally prohibiting a woman from any freedom a man has. 

So, you can scratch the USA off your list, maybe it’s time to start focusing your efforts on the places that truly need it. Like the ones where women are currently being stoned to death, or can’t leave the house without the consent of their husband? You know, the husband that she was forced to marry at 13? That sounds like a better usage of your time, and will actually help lift ALL women globally to the height of the American female.

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