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Coronavirus Lockdowns made Grindr USELESS (and other problems)

My generosity and altruism know no bounds. So, I get that you didn’t even ask for it or anything, but I’m giving it to you anyways, it’s just all that supreme heavenly munificence in me. This here is my opinion on what’s all over every news station these days: The Coronavirus, and its lovely quarantine that we’ve all found ourselves in. 

So, I’m super upset with this whole lockdown situation. Not only because it’s a shitshow at the Starbucks drive-thru, and the fact that I can’t get my bi-monthly haircut is a giant inconvenience to me, but because this is like a huge violation of people’s rights, and yeah that’s gross. 

I mean, yeah, I grew up in the middle of bum fuck Egypt and 3/4th of my old classmates are borderline brain-dead, so I understand them being dumb, but was I seriously the only one in the nation who paid attention during Junior year when we all had US history? Um, hello, Benny Franklin said it best “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”

So, by everyone blindly listening to the government, allowing them to limit what we’re ‘allowed’ to do, and create a quasi-police state everywhere, you’re not just destroying the entire idea of what America is, but giving yourself up on a silver platter to those who would see your way of life severely diminished to fit their own agenda. This is all probably very encouraging to them, “Oh, fuck! Just gotta keep the peasants scared for their lives, and when we say ‘Jump!’ they’ll keep saying ‘How high?’”. 

I’m not saying that COVID-19 isn’t something to be concerned about. It’s a new virus, one that we know little about, and barely have an understanding of how to treat. The unknown is always scary, especially when mortality is involved. However, you should be able to decide your own concern-level, nobody else should be making these decisions for you. 

I believe the government should’ve listed guidelines to protect yourself, how to mitigate the spread, and prepared itself to help businesses and families who chose to shut down or quarantine. They should’ve left businesses alone, and left it to the individual to decide how they react. 

That’s because people should be able to do whatever they want, regardless of whether you, or the gov, think that it’s stupid or not. If you’re very concerned, follow the guidelines, reduce your social activities, wear gloves, stay inside, do whatever you want. But, just because you’re concerned doesn’t mean that others have to be on your level. Your right to stay inside ends exactly where my right to go outside begins.  

If the people who weren’t as concerned get sick, that’s on them. It was their decision to disregard the guidelines, and put themselves at a heightened risk. Them contracting it doesn’t affect you whatsoever, unless you’re no longer following the suggestions. The sick will go to hospitals, and get treated by people who literally spent 4+ years studying to be around the ill, contagious, and dying. 

If it ever got to the point where normal hospitals were bursting at the seams with patients, we could literally build more. That’s what happened with the deadly and contagious Tuberculosis disease at the turn of the 20th century, we constructed over 50+ facilities to treat them specifically. The only difference between then and now is that we have more advanced construction techniques, and more available manpower to easily prop this shit up. In fact, a lot of the old TB facilities are sitting in ruins across the entire country, being unused for almost 100 years, that we could recycle into COVID-19 treatment establishments. 

Let me get back to my main point here, which is all of our own personal freedoms, that we were supposedly guaranteed, being infringed upon by the gov, and by the people sucking on the government’s tit like they’re our infallible superiors. What is happening, not just in the US, is a human rights issue. I’m genuinely scared that a group of select persons have enough power to control our lives in such a way, and the fact that citizens don’t care is hugely alarming. 

Families getting policed and fined for being together at a park, businesses being forced to shut their doors, people calling 911 on their neighbors for not living in fear like they’re doing. It’s all scary, and goes to show that us Americans aren’t invincible. By that I mean how a teenager thinks things like death won’t happen to them, Americans believe their freedom will always be there, without ever having to fight to maintain it. But, here we are, living in a lite version of Stalin’s Russia, and nobody’s giving a shit. 

I guess that some people just like living on a leash, but I sure as fuck don’t. If I wanna go pee on a hydrant, I don’t need someone, who ‘thinks’ he knows better, yanking me back to the sidewalk. I hope people can realize that being concerned about your freedom, in a time where the government is crossing lines they have no business being near, and being concerned about COVID-19, can go hand-in-hand. This could have all been handled in a way that informed and emphasized the danger of the virus to the public, but preserved our freedom to choose.

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