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Chase and the Hazmat Chick

The American worker is getting f*cked in more ways than one with all this COVID bullsh*t. On top of having our livelihoods ripped out from under us, and being forced to look into the face of poverty, we’re going to be on the frontline in a giant war against all the Karen-esque scumbags of the world.

I got my first taste of this crap the other day, slathered on my tongue by some chick in a hazmat suit in front of me in line at Ralph’s. So, like right from the get-go, everything about this woman screams “Irrational”, and she was definitely giving off that drama queen vibe hardcore, but what I didn’t know is that she was a dumb b*tch, who I immediately wanted to c*nt-punt out of the store.

So, I was just standing in line like a normal person, right on the little line of tape that make sure we’re all 6 ft. away from each other. We’re all impatiently waiting on the stupid hazmat girl to finish playing 20 Questions with the cashier, and finally unload her dump truck of food onto the belt.

Finally, at long last, 10 minutes of everybody’s precious time later, the hazmat chick ascends in line to the piece of tape right in front of the card reader. That being said, everyone moved up a space, including myself, because that’s how lines work. 

That proved to be a bad choice, because the b*tch started moving all over the place, chatting it up to the cashier. She finally gets way closer than 6 ft. away from me, and, all of a sudden, she shuts her yap, then turns and stares at me right in the eye. After a few moments of her staring at me like a freak, she barks at me to immediately get 6 ft. away from her. 

At this point, I’m thinking like “WTF, you’re the one coming at me, not vice-versa, you f*cking lunatic!” But, before I even have a chance to really react, the cashier bellows out that it’s store policy to social distance, and that I need to take a step back. I wasn’t about to cause a scene, so I did my sarcastically b*tchy “Sure!”, and stepped back, but OMG I was fuming.

Like, what outrageous ignorance and entitlement. Reminds me of when Emperor Kuzco danced into that little old man, who he blamed for ruining his groove, and had his guards try to like kill the guy by throwing him out a palace window. Except this hazmat chick isn’t going to see justice by being turned into a flea-ridden llama, she’ll just get to continue being unhindered garbage for all eternity.

Now just times that by a million! COVID isn’t the only pandemic going on, we’ve got some serious issues with Karens in the US. They will try to destroy everyone that gets in their way of total world domination. And it’s the people who are just trying to do their job, or simply go to the grocery store, who are going to be fed to these savage wolves.

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