
Celebrity worship is a total scam

Kim Kardashian’s shoes. Girls just have to have them, just as any boy has to sport a similar article of clothing Kanye West was photographed wearing. Why do we care so much about these people? After all, they really are just people. Believe it or not, you and I are actually people too. If you look at Miley Cyrus’s DNA, chances are it’s going to be extremely similar to yours. Although I’m pretty sure she’s like an alien or something, so don’t take my word for that, thanks. Anyways, back to topic, they’re just over-publicized people. They are in no way, shape, or form better than us non-celebrities. The thing is though, we make them believe that they are. They walk around with the thought in their head that they, in a way, rule us. Gwyneth Paltrow says to buy a certain cheese, and by the thousands people drop their Swiss and cheddar, and replace it with whatever it is she deems superior. Beyonce says aquamarine is the only suitable shirt color, and the next day everyone who’s anyone is wearing, you guessed it, aqua-freaking-marine. That last statement was false, but honestly, who would be surprised if that very thing happened? We’re the sheep, and they’re the lions, or at least that’s what everyone’s mentality, whether they know it or not.

Still as glamorous without teeth?

We admire them as if they were Gods, and they fit the part too. They’re generally beautiful and have amassed incredible fortunes, what they say goes, and we’re happy to comply. But why is that? Why do we comply? It’s as if we think they’ll notice us somehow. That if we do as they say, Kim, Kanye, Beyonce, and Gwyneth will look down from the pedestals, that we erected for them, and be our BFF’s.  These celebs are just here for our entertainment. We control whether they matter or not, and it’s like they are forgetting that or something. Also, let’s talk about this, what do they contribute? Have they really done anything with their talents that have revolutionized something, or anything? Very few have. Artists like Michelangelo and Van Gogh created masterpieces, works of art that actually make you feel something deep. Nicki Minaj and Katy Perry only create catchy sounds and words that carry no meaning. It only talks of parties and tits, which are amazing, let me tell you. But it’s nothing special. It’s nothing that makes you feel something besides mind-numbingness. It’s kind of sad really. I mean we’re the most progressed we’ve ever been in history, but people hundreds of years ago have better taste than us? How does that make sense? It doesn’t, but then again neither does idolizing imbeciles but we’re quick to do that.  We watch as they accept awards for things like SINGING.

Is there a televised and widely viewed awards show for charity founders? For people who build houses for the homeless? Nope, all our attention is going to the girl shaking her cellulite on stage.

The point is, we celebrate these people though they are not special. We care what they say, when they have little to no education backing it up. We allow them to think they’re God’s Gift. Instead of creating these worthless monsters, who will just be replaced by newer gaudier monsters in like five years, we should be creating and supporting more people who are advancing society and making it better as a whole.

Everyone’s sh*t stinks, celebrity or not.

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