
A F*cked Up Story

        So, there was this one time in high school where I was just like a huge dick, okay? This story that I’m about to lay on you is seriously like something out of a teen movie. If I could go back in time, I’d obviously change doing it, because I’m such a nice guy, for the most part, at least.

        Anyways, allow me to put ya into the setting. It’s Freshman year, during lunchtime, at my lame old high school. I had just gotten out of class, when Ally hit me up in the hallway. Ally is my “Cousin”. As in, we just told people we were cousins. In reality, Ally is extremely distantly related to me, like she’s connected to me through my half-brother’s grandfather’s sister, who married her uncle, or somesh*t. But, that’s besides the point.


        Back to the story, Ally shoved this note in my face, while laughing hysterically. I definitely wanted in on this hysterical laughter, so I studied the crumpled piece of paper in my hands. It was a love letter, professing eternal adoration for sweet little Ally, signed by some kid in our class, but I forgot his name. It requested that she mark if she liked him back, and slide it into his locker.


        After digesting the words, a smile split across my face, and then i was laughing right there with her. Laughing because this boy was a total social outcast. Which sounds extremely f*cked up, I’m already aware, but I was 14, so cut me some slack.



        This kid was like relentlessly picked on by literally everyone. People didn’t call him by his name, instead it was Chipmunk, or something mean. Then, there was one time when he walked down the hallway, and everyone had ketchup-covered period pads ready, that all got slapped down onto him and his clothes.


        Now, the reason he was so unliked was due to what had happened the previous year, in the 8th grade. A popular high school student, who the majority of my classmates knew personally, committed suicide. Well, the kid apparently got tired of all of the crying around campus, and let everyone know that it was “Just another fat kid who killed himself”, and that it’s no big deal, we should all basically get the hell over it. Ever since then, he was unanimously made into a pariah by the entire student body, and solidified himself as a target for teenage cruelty.


        Back to the snickering in the hallway. After we both died of laughing, we decided that we would definitely be putting the note back into his locker, not in a nice way, obviously. Ally whipped out a pen, boldly circled the “NO” answer on the sheet, and then we both came up with what we thought were funny little things to say, which were probably, in actuality, pretty hurtful words. We folded it in half, and ran clear to other side of the building where his locker was located.


        We stealthily slid the letter inside, and made our way around the corner, to start our waiting game. We stood there, listening for the bell to ring, so that he’d have to return to get his stuff out, and we could see everything unfold.


       So, right on cue, the bell blared throughout the halls, and everyone rushed to get their things, the kid included. With our eyes glued on him, we literally watched every range of emotion he felt from that rejection. He opened his locker, smiled to find the letter, sad when he read what was on there, and then he crumpled it up, slammed his locker shut, and ran out of the school in angry tears.


        All the while, Ally and I were in our own tears, but tears from being insanely huge assholes, and laughing at the kid. We literally slid down the wall, we thought it was so funny. Then, we got up, and went to English like nothing ever happened, didn’t even know where the kid ran off to.


        Yep, that’s the story. Every single person, including the kid, was f*cked up for what they did, and like I’d said, If I could’ve gone back, I would’ve never even been part of that. But, I still was, and now whenever i think about it, I’m overwhelmed with guilt, and remorse for that kid. Thankfully, however, this is the one and only time I ever participated in something so mean towards another being, because I’m truthfully a nice guy, for the most part, at least.

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