
Movies kind of suck these days

Movies today sort of suck. By sort of, I totally mean they do.

Mainly, it’s because all the formulas being implemented are way overdone. So overdone to the point where we already know how the movie is going to end before it’s even started. RomComs for instance: boy meets girl, they fall in love, something happens, they get over it, they live happily ever after. It’s almost always the same story, just tweaked. Sure, there’s different actors and dialogue, but the story itself is just like the others. If you’re like me, this is completely infuriating. It’s boring, we’ve seen this probably 1000 times already.

It’s nothing new, or fresh, or entertaining. So why are we subjected to such garbage? Because we still buy it up, that’s why. They know our lives suck, and that we’ll always throw our money at them for any sort of distraction from its suckitude. And why would they want to change anything up when they know that they can always make millions with the same old played out malarkey? Exactly, they wouldn’t. So now we’re jet locked in this platitudinous cycle of subpar cinema. In order for this to stop, they’ll have to be shown that we no longer want this unoriginal filmmaking anymore. The only way we could is by taking our monetary support away from them, and handing it to the real filmmakers.

The ones who will actually give us innovative, imaginative entertainment. I’m talking about the guys you’d see at some random indie film festival presenting their work. The ones that would give us true art, or comedy, or whatever kind of sh*t you’re into, but lack the means to do so.

Also, once Big Cinema realizes their cash flow is running dry, they’ll change their tune and start delivering what the people actually want, instead of force feeding us their worn out bullsh*t year after year. Money talks pretty loud, after all.

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